Monday, November 13, 2006

Funny How Life Is....

September 9th '06

Ok just so everyone knows up front and there is no dispute down the road.... Michelle Rodriguez is da bomb!!! You cannot look at that pick and tell me she is not super hot!!k... got that out of my system... heheOk ok!!! I've been doing some serious thinking, and I've got a lot more of it to do. I have the weekend to go over the pros and cons of this mind cube, so I'll disect it many times over before Monday. I am seriously debating going into labour work. It is something I have thought of many times in the past, but never seemed to surface with any real substance. Now I find myself with the option to get into it, and to make a decent living in doing so. I like that it is weekdays, and not weekends or hopefully holidays. The pay is really sweet and would allow me to survive as a single mother without any assistance from anyone (including family!). I think it would be good to do something that get's me working hard as well. I need to be on my feet, though I know the first while will be killer on me until I strengthen up some. As well as the fact that it will get me into shape and there is honestly nothing wrong with toned chick looking all sweaty after a hard days work!!

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