Sunday, May 27, 2007

Summer is Among Us

Good news!! Andrew is finally on the home stretch of his pontoon boat!! That is so awesome. I'm proud of you man!! Getting all that done with everything else that has been going on! Par-ty time!! Hmmm well maybe we should wait until the homestretch has been completed before I get ahead of myself.......

It's official! I work in an oven. I can't be sure, but word in the heat box was that the air conditioner WAS on on Thursday... I repeat it supposedly WAS on!! I think we all felt like we had just gone for a swim in a pool of sweat by the time the day was done. I'm so glad I don't get B.O. easily, hahahaha "heyyy why are you standing way over there......"

Ok this whole facebook things is a bit creepy, yet addicting in the very same moment! I've been in communication with people that I haven't said "boo" to in centuries. Yikes... I can use that term... I'm old.... So here I am wandering through messages and networks and running into friends from elementary school. Although, I have also run into a few co-workers which has been sweet! So let's not say creepy... how about erie (is that more positive while giving the wow impression?) This is what I call getting reaquainted with the world and making new friends!

We made it to the Pow Wow yesterday. Was quite hot, but I had fun. Invited my friend Denis along and it was cool to see the pow wow through a fresh pair of eyes. I'm not 100% up on my culture, but I explained what I could. I think the occasion would have been better if we had brought some chairs (my bad!!), but I think we had a good time. Tammie brought her friend Sydney with as well and they had more fun running around playing hide and seek! Tammie got her fix of Indian Taco as well. Tried some fresh squeezed lemonade that tasted great! Not so bitter. I ran into a few people I know, but the highlight was running into Shoshona and Sky! I used to watch Sky back when I worked for the Friendship Centres day home agency. Tammie, Sky and Josh were all around 2 at the time. So to see him at around 11 now was amazing. They still live in Barrie, so when my friend Tammy moves there, I'll have twice the reason to visit! I'd love to find Sheila and Josh again. So overall it was great! Ended off the day with a bbq YUMMY! You can cook Den!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

May flowers bring more bee's!! :S

Wow, I guess it's time for an update eh? Left you all hanging about that supposed union strike we may or may not have almost had? Yeah, I know... your all on the edge of your seats about it. So was I!! Well May 1st has come and gone, and we are still all at work. The beginning of this month was the new date of our new contract. It wasn't even all that much of a close call, though if you heard all the guys talking you'd have thought we were striking for sure. I guess the brain cells that control speach and the one's that control writing are at opposite ends of the brain. I of course know nothing about what is considered a "good" move for the contractors and what is bad. All I know is more money is ALWAYS good, and less money is always a bad thing. Well it wasn't a huge raise, but it will do. We're still at 36hrs. a week, so in another three years they will be battleing the hopes of bringing us up to 40 again I'm sure. I say it would mean more money, but as I've said, the typing side of my brain could also be different from my speach side, so get me in front of a bunch of union brothers/sisters and you may not get the same answer... shhhh *wink**wink*

Well I was beginning to believe that I was experiencing some heavy anxiety for a bit there. So I went to seek out a professional oppinion and found out today that I have low iron and high cholestoral. 34 yrs. old and high cholestoral..... I think I'll write McD's a letter and let them know it's time to move their restaurant across the street to a new location. It's inconveniencing me now!! Ok ok... yes, it is time for me to start taking fat out of my diet, and adding something better for me to fill that void. In actuality we don't eat all that much McD's, but we do tend to venture over to the Swiss Chalet side a bit too much. Move aWAY from the quarter chicken Lisa, slowely.....

In the hopes of adding to my new healthy regime, ie. getting into better shape, building self confidence, a sense of my own security and a bit of discipline, I have joined the Therien Kickboxing team! Wow does it feel good to kick someone! So far I've taken two one on one class with a coach and one group class. It is quite the workout, but wow does it feel good! The only thing I can compare it to as far as making me feel revived, is after a nice sweatlodge, though that probably doesn't make it any clearer to the majority of you out there, lol. So now I am a three to four days a week kickboxing gal.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I wish all you mom's out there a happy, sunny (I hope), relaxing mother's day!!!