Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wonder Woman!!!!

Ok so it turns out I'm not the powerhouse I thought I was. I am however quite confident that in no time I will reach maximum overdrive and get my superhero status and begin saving the world, one commercial building at a time. I went out to site last week and we had to unload a truck full of garbage shoots. They were in pieces between 4' and I'd say 10'. I helped get the first piece off the truck and went to grab it to carry it to the designated spot and realized I didn't have a good hold on it for the terrain we were about to traverse. So I put my end down to regrab and ended up unknowingly passing the piece on to Carl. Mario and Carl picked the piece up like tissue paper and off they went. Ok that is an exaggeration on my part, but compared to how useless I felt at that moment it very well should have been tissue paper in my mind. So on the way back to the shop I thought about how much further in body strength I really need to go. It was an awakening. THAT'S IT I QUIT!!!!

Ha, almost got you didn't I? Well you don't get rid of me that easily. All it means is... I've now had the heads up on part of what I have to look forward to and will have the opportunitly now to prepare for it. ie gain some serious muscle mass!! (and no, not like in the pic....... lol)

So I was going through the day with different things on my mind. I had at this point been left on my own for well over an hour to finish up the insulating I was doing. As I was going through calculations in my mind, I started thinking about different things and once again caught myself singing a phrase of a song out loud like a broken record. Believe me, I'm not the only broken record in that shop! I am however the only one who doesn't tend to sing at the top of my lungs.... So there I was singing the same verse over and then I started talking to myself about the calculations I was doing. Always easier to think out loud I say. 7 duct, 2 pieces per duct, 46" in height, and 10"x14" in length and width..... so I need 14 pieces cut on the 47" insulation... blah blah blah.... man is it hot in here... blah blah blah... wow does Mike ever mutter a lot to himself when he's working.... blah blah blah.... glad I'm not a mutterer.... (lol)

Claude is very good to me. When he is doing something new, he takes the time to show me what it is he's doing and what the end product will be used for. Of course sometimes when he's explaining these things he goes off into calculations I have yet to understand, but I am patient and just very glad that he is taking the time to inform me. It's always good to have someone take a true interest in your learning process.

As I finished up the insulation I realized I must have gone through a quarter of a roll of toilette paper. Insulation makes my nose go nuts. What I need is a hanky. Like the one my grandpa Maloney used to carry around in his back pocket. Some dark coloured bandanna that I can pull out throughout the day and just honk into!!! Well I thought it was cute in a grandpa sort of way to see that he had one, but now that I think about what I'd actually be carrying around in my pocket in quantities, not so sure it's me.... Actually dna tests would prove it in fact IS me, or bits of, hahahaha......................... yeah.........................

I heard a story today that I thought was a bit sad in many ways. Apparently a man had gone to New York City whether to visit or move, not sure, and he got lost. Having not been to the city before and hearing from people that he knew that New Yorkers were unfriendly and even brash if asked anything, he didn't ask for help. He ended up wandering the streets for five days in the cold. Finally on the fifth day someone saw him and asked if he was ok and ended up feeding him and giving him water. A New Yorker being helpful. I admit New York seems intimidating given how big it is, but I think in any city there are those that would help and those that would want to kick your ass for so much as breathing in their direction. His experience was unfortunate and thankfully he's ok.

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