Wednesday, November 15, 2006

One Of Many

Well it is done!! I have become one of the many...
What... that's it? Well of course that's it. My job is now just that... a job. I am in the assembly line starting sharp at 6:30, break from 9:15-9:30, lunch at 12-12:30 and off home at 3:45. Don't for a minute think I work until 3:46 EVER!!!! So yesterday and today were rather good days. Simply because I have fused into my work. When I got off work yesterday I realized that I wasn't in a constant panick wondering if I was doing it right, or if I was going to be taught something new. I've used most of the machinery in the shop and have a PRETTY good idea what sort of order goes to the assembly of duct work. So now it is just a matter of getting into the assembly line somewhere and going to town on metal! Of course now that I've found a "comfy" niche (and I use that word loosely), I'll probably get shipped off to some slab site to start the learning process all over again.... now.... in the middle of November.... in the midest of natures winter prep.... cold.................................... Welcome to tinbanging apprenticeship I guess eh?
Sadly my daughter has been very sick as of late. She refuses to get a flu shot. She's decided she'd far rather live through every disease and sickness out there, then get an excruciatingly painful prick from a needle. Just wait until she has to get another immunization shot and realizes it's not a choice... the fun that will be................. (I DO like using those periods....)

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