September 15th '06
I was cleaning rooms this morning and it occured to me, that you can tell a lot about a man through these rooms. O....K.... this person has been here almost three days and the shower has yet to be used? Hmmmm laptop... business man... but ohhhh condom's... business man with an agenda. Then there is the guy in the room that follows you around with his eyes everywhere you go even though when you first entered he was sitting diligently in front of his laptop looking all into his work... "BUSINESS man".
Then there are the bathrooms you walk into that look like a tornado hit. I can just picture as soon as they get into the shower it's like one of those classic fight clouds in cartoons, only instead of two people fighting, there is only one man in there. The occasional arm comes out to grab the shampoo... soap... The cloud follows them out of the shower and you see an arm extend out of it to grab his tooth brush, a towel flashes across the mirror and half an hour later the cloud disappears and a perfectly manicured man walks out of the room, leaving water smudges over every milimetre of space. Wrappers of who knows what toilettries on the ground, all the towels soaked and all over the place, dangling off the door, the curtain rod, over the back of the toillette. The rest of the room looks as spoltless as he does, though all his secrets are sitting dripping wet in that bathroom.
You know those who don't really care about the room when you see how horribly they missed the toillette. Ok I can see someone missing the cheerios the odd time, but when it looks as if it all went around the toillette rim and very little could have possibly gotten in, well it's carelessness. No bear bottles to offer excuses. I remember as a teenager going to hotels specifically for the purpose of getting hammered and having somewhere reasonable to fall over when that eventuality hit. Now I am seeing the other end of that spectrum. I've seen rooms with the oddest, but nastiest messes. "Now how on earth did THAT get over HERE!"
I've seen furniture moved into the oddest places. Why on earth they went to that much trouble when it would have been so much easier to go this way. One word of advice when entering a clean fresh looking hotel room. Do not make the mistake of fornicating on that bedspread. Chances are MANY people have already beat you to it, and those spreads don't get cleaned unless there are obvious reasons. Now before you go thinking OMG where does she work, I'm never going there. It is universal. I've worked at more than one hotel and believe me, it's ALL the same. You've worked at one, you've worked at them all. I'm even going to go to the extent of saying I doubt very much even the five star hotels out there are really all that different. The staff is just more humble and taught to "dot there i's and cross their t's" when it comes to how well they clean their rooms. Underneath those five stars, the girls are probably gossiping about the rest of the hotel staff or giggling at the new dishwasher.
I am surprised that some pillows make it past inspector 83 or whoever is responsible for seeing that a pillow is comfortable. I came across a pillow today that weighed a ton. I can just imagine the neck pain in the morning after sleeping on that thing. It's the kind of pillow that you don't pick up and fluff subconsciously in your sleep. It is the pillow you subconsciously roll and move around and find in tha exact same place it was when you got into bed the night before. Pillow fights with that sucker would end in tragedy. If the child didn't put out their back trying to pick it up, when they struck the other child with it, that other child would be out for more than just the count. I can just see the mother calling the other child's mother because her son sent the boy to the hospital by a pillow to the head. No people, cement blocks are NOT pillows.
Ok, I have managed to single out men, bear drinkers and bricks/pillows... oh and bedspreads.... in the hotel business(connection? possibly...). I'll leave the rest of my job antics for my "memoirs of a housekeeper". Sorry for the droning on... when you wander from room to room every day, seeing the same stain on the carpet that you've seen for the last year, you tend to let your mind wander... the only sane thing to do. Have a nice day