It's been awhile my fine friends. I've come a long way over the past four years in the trade. Of course very little of that was actually outside the shop, but I think I know the shop better than most now. I'm still bad with names though. "Yeah the... VAV box's you say? Yeah they're over there in the back room behind those big things on a crate. No those things next to THOSE objects right there. Ok ok I meant behind that and to the right of those!! YEAH!!" Maybe I should be getting out to site more. I'd learn what the correct term for everything is. As it is I know what I put together (ie offsets, duct, square to round, elbows, etc...) and I could tell you where 90% of the things we use are stored in the shop, but when stuff we don't make is delivered and then sent out to site I'm not so quick on the draw. According to Ed when I was working at the Queensway Carelton Hospital for those months three years ago I pretty much saw everything there was to see in a site job. It's just layed out differently for different projects. I like that I've seen it, but if I don't handle it, I have no idea. I need to start working out my arms more though. I've gained a lot of muscle since starting this job, but if I were to be sent out on site I'm pretty sure it requires a bit more power. Lot's of overhead lifting and that is my fall back. My center of balance likes to run and hide on me. You should see me doing yoga... not pretty!
I'm a fourth year apprentice now and will be heading into my fifth year technically this Spring. Pay goes up again (YAY!!) and I'm that much closer to becoming a mechanic. Of course getting closer to the end of my apprenticeship hasn't brought me further away from the insulation table AT ALL, but we do what we have to to keep getting paid right?
On a personal note Pat and I are getting married this year. I'm quite pumped about it. He's being all stoic and not showing his emotions (typical man!) so I grumble, cry or yell and shake things up every now and then, but that's just me (typical woman?). Come on, I have to find out what's going on with Mars every now and then don't I? He'll let me in on all their secrets, just you wait and see!
My daughter is 15 now!! OMG!! Of course she turned 15 this past October so it's not all that amazing to me now, but I had to add the emotion for shock value. That Oscar will be mine... oh yes it will be mine! She still endures the forced smothering hugs from me with silent resolve, but she also gets so bitchy if I so much as enter a toe into her and Becky's domain. Wow my girl is growing up!! And she's so much like me!! :S Who'da thunk!!
So here I am gaining further ground in the sheet metal industry, on a plateau when it comes to relationships, and losing ground with my teen (one day she'll walk out that door and into the arms of someone else..... :( My girl is growing up..... *sniff sniff*). Ok she's 15 so not quite yet... I hope... *sniff sniff* I mean yeah she's becoming a young lady!! Who'll one day not want my smothering hugs!!! *sniff sniff sniff sniff* Ummm ok I'll shut up now.
I'm a fourth year apprentice now and will be heading into my fifth year technically this Spring. Pay goes up again (YAY!!) and I'm that much closer to becoming a mechanic. Of course getting closer to the end of my apprenticeship hasn't brought me further away from the insulation table AT ALL, but we do what we have to to keep getting paid right?
On a personal note Pat and I are getting married this year. I'm quite pumped about it. He's being all stoic and not showing his emotions (typical man!) so I grumble, cry or yell and shake things up every now and then, but that's just me (typical woman?). Come on, I have to find out what's going on with Mars every now and then don't I? He'll let me in on all their secrets, just you wait and see!
My daughter is 15 now!! OMG!! Of course she turned 15 this past October so it's not all that amazing to me now, but I had to add the emotion for shock value. That Oscar will be mine... oh yes it will be mine! She still endures the forced smothering hugs from me with silent resolve, but she also gets so bitchy if I so much as enter a toe into her and Becky's domain. Wow my girl is growing up!! And she's so much like me!! :S Who'da thunk!!
So here I am gaining further ground in the sheet metal industry, on a plateau when it comes to relationships, and losing ground with my teen (one day she'll walk out that door and into the arms of someone else..... :( My girl is growing up..... *sniff sniff*). Ok she's 15 so not quite yet... I hope... *sniff sniff* I mean yeah she's becoming a young lady!! Who'll one day not want my smothering hugs!!! *sniff sniff sniff sniff* Ummm ok I'll shut up now.