I think I've forgotten how to do anything else but insulate TDF duct work......... Pitsburgh? what's that................. Ok maybe it's not that bad, but I'm sure Trev and I are the going experts on rigid insulation. Goodness knows I could tell you how it grits between the teeth compared to flex.
I'm thinking our rags must come from someone's home, because they aren't store bought cloth or anything. They are actually ripped up pieces of someone's clothing. Well this week a piece of someone's old pink fleece jogging pants ended up as our cloth at the insulation table. Pink fleece jogging pants............. think about that for a second.......... pink.......... fleece.......... getting any mental images? Jogging pants.................. is it coming to you? Or are you having trouble, because those three things don't belong in the same sentence. Who wears PINK pants in the first place (no Andrew they are not pink they are SALMON or more like a rusty red....), let alone fleece jogging pants. I was looking around the shop trying to picture who's home this monstrosity came from. Picturing the guys I work with walking around with wives wearing something out of the 80s. Or even some of the women that work up front owning a pair. Gave me something to chuckle about while slicing through mile upon mile of insulation. Are you with me here? Or am I alone on this one...
So I asked Danny (big bosses son, future big boss) about my book. We have these books that throughout the apprenticeship have to be signed by someone when we've accomplished a task. At the end of the apprenticeship it has to be I believe 75% full. Our union is for both tinbangers and roofers, so I don't see myself filling out any sections that have anything to do with roofing, but as long as I can get the rest of it filled out, I'm good. I didn't know when I should start concering myself with that though, so I was a big girl and asked! You have to understand this is a big feat for me due to my life long partnership with shyness. It took me awhile to see our forman in a casual light. What's that all about anyway? In my mind I KNOW he's a nice guy, as is everyone out there (well most anyway......), so why would someone have trouble making the first move to get to know that person. Pooey on shyness, I spit at thee!!!! So I asked and it turns out that if I leave or finish my apprenticeship, whichever happens at Dilfo first, they will then go through the book and sign off on all the necessary areas. He DID however say that most people finish their apprenticeships once started at Dilfo, which made me feel REALLY good. I would love nothing better than to stick with Dilfo throughout my apprenticeship and beyond if possible!
I've started biking to work! It's actually quite satisfying. I enjoy it. At the end of the day I can definitely feel it in my thighs though. Rock hard legs coming up! Yay health!! Hopefully this added with good eating will put off anything my high cholesterol started on my heart up until now. Breath easy!