I have a big head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't use the term huge, big is discomforting enough. Everytime I go to use the drop saw I have to extend the shield strap to fit around my melon. What's THAT all about! I don't think I look unproportioned..... Well I'll just chalk it up to my extreme intelligence, both in the right and left hemisphere of my brain. I'm both artistic and can do the math, hehe.
My foreman is human after all! He's a very serious looking fellow and so whenever I went to him for a new job I was always rather formal. Last week when he was showing me how to work the hole punch machine he said something casually personal for the first time and I was a bit surprised. Usually when he wants something done for a rush order and he starts working next to me I start getting nervous and usually end up trying to pace myself with him. Not a very relaxed atmosphere. This week he was cutting insulation while I glued it down and he was humming, and muttering to himself like everyone else. He held up a piece of insulation that looked like a big fish and stood it next to himself and yelled over to Claude to take a picture, while he stood there posing with his "fish". It was hilarious, and I realized he IS human! Isn't it wierd how that happens?
My daughter is becoming a different person. She is definitely not a little girl anymore! She talks about getting a job, asking when she is allowed to go to the mall on her own, she isn't as shy as she once was. She's even gone on a few sleepovers this year! (I think that is harder on me than her, but STILL!) :S She is growing up!! I'm so glad that we are close. So far she still tells me everything (or is that just me being naive....), and if something is troubling her she get's angry and doesn't just walk away and shut her door on me. I like talking things out even if we both get a bit upset. Much better to communicate than hold it in, this I know. Well she's heading into early teens, so hopefully we'll hit it head on and be able to fight our way through it successfully. Have a blast and remain close! The apple of my eye!!!