One thing I have gotten out of my experiences as a tinbanger, is confidence. Having finished a day of hard work gives me pride in myself. Being somewhere unwork related and feeling like I can take on different challenges I wouldn't have thought possible before, is rewarding in a different way. I find myself less concerned with whether I can do something and find that more often I am trying to figure out the best way to do it. Of course there are exceptions to everything (last weekends skating attempt being one), but I'm of a mind to know it is something I can always try again when I feel ready. Dangle a beavertail in front of me on a stick and throw skates on me and I'll end up from one end of the canal to the other!! I think that doing something that not many females have done gives me a sense of major accomplishment. Yes I'm tired by the end of the day, but I did everything expected of me, and I did it without any hangups. I think everyone should try something they wouldn't normally do and see how good it makes you feel after your done. See how it changes your outlook on everything around you. There isn't anything you can't do!
On this day I am feeling very proud of my sister Pepsi (nickname). She has had a rough road to travel over the years and she is doing quite well in spite of it all right now. She and her Bue as she calls him have been together for quite some time now and they have two wonderful children together plus her daughter from her previous relationship. He is wonderful to all of them, and they seem very settled and happy. Just given what I know of her and her past, I just wanted to mention how happy I am that she is doing so well.